Saturday 14 July 2012

I'm putting on weight.

And I fucking hate it. The last time I weighed myself, it was the most I've ever weighed...ever.
So that really pissed me off. Especially since I'm trying to lose weight (although I'm doing nothing about it).
I keep eating junk all the time. And eating excessively. I just want to be skinny or a normal weight.
This time last year I was about 4-5 kilos lighter. And even then, I wasn't happy with my weight. BUT NOW I WEIGH EVEN MORE LIKE FUCK OFF.

The only time I'm going to eat from now on, is before work (because I'll need the energy) and when I really need to eat something, like if I'm lightheaded or something idk.

Tomorrow, I'm having a cup of tea for breakfast, and a cup of tea for lunch. And water throughout the day. Then I'll have toast or something for dinner.

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